There is nothing quite as frustrating as owning an appliance that isn’t working like it’s supposed to. This is especially true when it comes to your dryer. If you’ve ever been waiting for a load of laundry to dry only to find out that it is still damp when you pull it out of the dryer, you understand the feeling of annoyance and dissatisfaction that accompanies this.
Fortunately, there are some simple things that can be done to get your dryer back to providing the warm and dry clothes that you are used to – and the crew here at All Seasons Chimney can help. Here are a few questions to consider if your dryer is giving you trouble. Resolving these issues will mean not only dry clothes, but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing your dryer is running as safely as possible.
Are You Cleaning Your Lint Trap?
A dryer needs a way to let its used warm air out. In effect, your dryer needs to be able to breathe. Your lint trap is a filter that keeps the microscopic bits of fabric that naturally shed from your clothing out of your dryer’s airways, so they don’t trigger “breathing” issues. If the filter isn’t kept clean, then the air can’t easily get through, and your dryer will not work as efficiently – and it’ll put more strain on the appliance too.
It’s important that you clean your lint trap after every load. This task is easy to do and will only add another minute or two to your laundry routine. Making lint trap cleaning a habit is important for the health and longevity of your dryer. It also will reduce the risk of fire that can come from overheating and igniting the extremely flammable lint.
Cleaning your lint trap is easy and can be done in just a couple quick steps.
- Locate your lint trap and remove the screen. Your lint trap is normally located right inside your dryer door or on the top of your dryer. It can easily be removed often by simply sliding the screen out of a slot.
- Using your fingers, gently grab the lint that is collected on the screen. The lint will come off quite easily and it will often stick to itself. This means that once you remove a little bit, you can use that bit to pull off the rest of it. Be careful not to damage the screen. They are usually pretty resilient, but can be damaged if not handled properly.
- Place the cleaned screen back into its place in the dryer. That’s it!
While removing the collected lint from your lint trap is important, it is also important that once every month you gently wash the screen using water. While your lint screen might look clean, wrinkle free dryer sheets and balls contain a chemical that will collect over time in your lint trap. These chemicals are not easily spotted and can clog up the small holes in your lint trap.
To take care of the problem, simply remove your lint trap, gently clean it with soapy water, then let it dry completely before putting it back into place.
Have You Dad Your Dryer Vents Cleaned in the Last 12 Months?
Another part of your dryer’s ability to breathe comes from the dryer vent. These vents take the hot air up and out of your home. Your lint trap collects most of the lint in your laundry loads, but it can’t collect it all – and over time, some of this lint will collect in your dryer vent. Because of this, it’s important that you have your dryer vents cleaned annually.
And a clogged dryer vent won’t only wreak havoc by keeping your laundry wet. When a dryer has to work hard to breathe properly, its parts will be working over-time to do the jobs they are intended to do. When a part is over-worked its lifespan lowers, which means costly repairs or possibly an early retirement for your dryer.
Clogged dryer vents also can trigger increases your energy bills. A clogged vent means your dryer will be forced to run longer, which will up those monthly payments.
Finally, clogged dryer vents are not safe. Lint is highly combustible and its build up can put your dryer at increased risk for home fires. In addition, carbon monoxide may not be able to vent out, which would put you and your family at risk of exposure.
In addition to consistently wet clothing, other signs that your dryer vent needs cleaning include the laundry room becoming abnormally hot while the dryer is running, lint around the exterior of your dryer vent, and the dryer flap not opening or closing when the dryer is running. Also be wary of musty smells and clothing that is unusually hot after a cycle.
Is Your Dryer Old?
Dryers do a job that requires a lot of hard work, and one that’s in a busy household can see a lot of use. The average lifespan of a dryer is 10-13 years. If your dryer has been working hard for a decade, chances are it’s on its last leg – and your most cost-effective and efficient option will be to start searching for a replacement.
Call Today – We’re Here for You
All Seasons Chimney specializes not only in chimney care but also in dryer vent cleaning. Our service techs have all the tools necessary to get those dryer vents clean and working properly.
We love our community and want the homeowners in it to experience healthy living. Schedule a dryer vent cleaning today with us by 845-375-3603 or reaching out online today – we’re here for you.