Why Should I Line My Chimney?
Of course, we will tell you that there are many parts of chimney maintenance that we consider absolutely mandatory—chief among them is your annual sweeping. Next on our list of important chimney-related tasks: have your chimney professionally lined and keep that liner in good condition. A chimney liner’s job is primarily to remove high heat and byproducts from your chimney, and prevent nearby combustibles from starting a house fire. As you can see, a chimney liner is important to have – to put it mildly.
Though chimney liners weren’t originally used, they’ve since become mandated by codes in municipalities around the world, especially after tests conducted in both the 1940s and 1980s by the National Bureau of Standards proved unlined chimneys to be unsafe. In fact, it was determined that unlined chimneys are “a little less than criminal.”
Over the decades, the chimney liner as we know it has evolved. Today most chimneys receive stainless steel or aluminum liners, or cast-in place liners, whereas clay tile liners were previously the golden standard. Each type has its advantages, and experienced modern chimney technicians are able to bring most any chimney liner system up to code. Those of us at All Seasons Chimney, Inc. sometimes recommend a complete replacement of a liner in bad condition, but we are often able to simply repair a chimney’s liner, thanks to more recent cast-in place liner technology. Whatever your liner’s condition, you can trust us to offer the most economical and effective long-term solution for your chimney.
What Does A Liner Do?
A chimney liner serves several important functions including:
- Protects your house from extreme temperatures and combustibles. Adjacent woodwork is far more likely to catch fire if yours is an unlined chimney.
- Protects your masonry from creosote and other corrosive byproducts. When unprotected, chimney masonry experiences significant deterioration because of creosote which eats away at mortar and leads to a reduction in the usable life of your chimney.
- Provide a correctly sized flue. Some chimney flues are too big and some are too small. One great advantage of a chimney liner is that you can use it to resize your flue so that you’ll experience improved drafting, which will help usher all those toxic combustion byproducts out of your home.
We Will Make Sure Your Chimney Is Ready For Use Again
Now that the dangers of unlined or damaged chimneys are widely understood—and the effectiveness of the modern chimney liner has been proven—it’s imperative that you have your chimney professionally lined and keep up with maintenance of your chimney liner. Those of us at All Seasons Chimney, Inc. will outline for you our cost-effective options for repair or relining so that your chimney meets modern safety standards.
Do you think your chimney liner needs attention? Contact the experts at All Seasons Chimney, Inc., by calling 845-567-0044 or clicking here.
Need your chimney rebuilt? All Seasons Chimney can help with this common chimney repair.